Wooden ornament to hang with Turkish eye

  • Wooden ornament to hang with Turkish eye
  • Wooden ornament to hang with Turkish eye - hand of Fatima
  • Wooden ornament to hang with Turkish eye - tree
Wooden ornament to hang with Turkish eye - tree

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(tax included) .


Chosen Model

Wooden carved ornament to hang with Turkish eye, model hand of Fatima or tree.

They are beautiful hanging ornaments carved in wood and decorated with small acrylic Turkish eyes.

They are hung by means of a natural fiber cord adorned with colorful wooden beads.

There are two models available, hand of Fatima and tree.

The wooden part is about 10cm x 8cm and the string with beads is about 14cm long.

Authentic handicrafts from Turkey.

Price per unit.


Learn more by clicking on the links:

Turkish evil eye

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