About our website texts
We want to clarify that all of the texts on our website related to the esoteric use of our products and the supposed powers of minerals are within a metaphysical and spiritual approach.
In this sense, it is important to take into account that belief in the powers of crystals and minerals is a personal matter of faith and can vary from person to person.
It is important to mention that, to date, there is no scientific support to validate these beliefs, so the use of our products for therapeutic or curative purposes is not endorsed by science or conventional medicine. Therefore, we invite our customers to use our products according to their personal beliefs and at their own responsibility.
We make a great effort to produce high-quality texts, always conducting thorough research on the topic and avoiding commercial sources. Additionally, we have the assistance of ChatGPT, a natural language virtual assistant based on artificial intelligence that helps us correct grammatical and spelling errors, and suggests ideas to improve our texts.
This way, we can offer our customers high-quality content, produced by humans and improved with ChatGPT's cutting-edge technology.