Stilbite Zeolite, geode formation

Stilbite Zeolite, geode formation
  • Stilbite Zeolite, geode formation
  • Stilbite Zeolite, geode formation
  • Stilbite Zeolite, geode formation
  • Stilbite Zeolite, geode formation
  • Stilbite Zeolite, geode formation
  • Stilbite Zeolite, geode formation

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Wonderful Stilbite Formation Extracted from a Geode Cavity

It can be noticed, by the concave shape in which the stilbite crystals have formed inside a geode.

In addition, enhancing the beauty of this specimen, small apophyllite crystals in the form of flakes are observed associated with the stilbite.

Stilbite is a mineral of the zeolite group. This piece is native to the Maharashtra region, India.

Approximate size: 21 cm x 12 cm x 9 cm and with a weight close to 1.8 kilograms.

The piece positions well horizontally and vertically with the help of a back support.



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