Stones of the Horoscope (engraved pendants with the zodiacal signs)

  • Zodiac stones : Sagittarius - Chalcedon

Prices are shown in retail
(tax included) .


Choose the zodiac sign:

Pendants in natural stones with hand-engraved zodiacal signs.

Average size of each pendant: 3.5 cm x 2.5 cm x 0.7 cm.

Zodiacal stones interact with horoscope signs according to their properties.

The power of the stones increases the positive energy of each sign of horoscope and deducted their weaknesses and strengthen its qualities.

Each pendant is accompanied by a black leather cord and information label.

The Zodiac signs stones are:

Red jasper - Aries.

Rose quartz - Taurus.

Tigereye - Gemini.

Moonstone - Cancer.

Quartz gold - Leo.

Quartz crystal - Virgo.

Green Quartz - Libra.

Hematite - Scorpio.

Chalcedony - Sagittarius.

Onyx - Capricorn.

Aquario - Lapis.

Amethyst - Picis.

warning Seguridad del Producto - Reglamento (UE) 2023/988

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